
We would love to show you first hand just how HillView Care communities stand out from the crowd.

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Merrimac Img

HillView Merrimac

239 Gooding Drive Merrimac Gold Coast Queensland 4226

Click on map below to enlarge


  • 24/7 for visitors
  • Office hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday


Both homes offer secure, underground car parking for visitors. There are designated areas for wheelchair access.

Ashmore Img

HillView Ashmore

135 Cotlew Street Ashmore Gold Coast Queensland 4214

Click on map below to enlarge


  • 24/7 for visitors
  • Office hours are 8:00am to 3:00pm Monday to Friday


Both homes offer secure, underground car parking for visitors. There are designated areas for wheelchair access.

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