aged care gold coast
  • August 23 2024
  • Residential Aged Care, Wellness

Coping with guilt after transitioning loved ones into aged care

Helping transition a loved one into an aged care home can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. Family members often feel a sense of guilt and sadness as their loved one moves into a care home. 

At HillView Care, we understand the complexities of this transition and are here to support you through it. In this blog article, we’ll share some tips for coping with the sense of guilt and share some insights to help you stay positive.

Remember, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions

It’s important to be prepared to experience a range of emotions at this time. It can be a challenging time for family and friends and you can all feel everything from guilt to relief, sadness, worry or even anger.  It’s important to recognise that all these feelings are normal and to be ready for them. Acknowledging and validating everyone’s emotions, while offering support, can make the transition smoother.

Maintaining open and honest communication, along with discussing plans well in advance, can be very helpful. To understand the situation better, encourage everyone to express their feelings, ask questions. Creating a safe space for these conversations helps ease the transition and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Focus on the positives

Remember, placing a loved one into our Gold Coast residential aged care isn’t an easy decision, but it’s often made out of necessity due to declining health or the need for more specialised medical care. Choosing a residential aged care home for your loved one doesn’t mean you love or care for them any less. It’s also important to acknowledge that caregiving can be overwhelming, and professional care can provide the necessary support for your loved one while giving you time to care for yourself.

We see many family members experience guilt as their loved ones transition into aged care, however, it’s vital to focus on the positive aspects of the decision. Think of the increased safety, better medical care and the social opportunities available to your loved one. Knowing that you’ve chosen a path that offers a better quality of life for your loved one can help you overcome the guilt you may feel. 

Have clear expectations

When going into this experience it’s crucial to set clear expectations. Open discussions with your loved one about the aged care home and what you see coming out of this experience. This includes scheduling visits, determining the types of activities or services they would like to utilise, and establishing how often you would like updates on their care from the HillView Care team. 

Setting clear expectations helps your loved one feel secure and cared for while allowing you to focus on your well-being. This approach makes the transition smoother for everyone involved and provides peace of mind knowing your loved one is in good hands.

Stay in touch

Even when your loved one is in a residential aged care home, you can continue to show your care and support in various ways. Regular visits, phone calls, letters, care packages, and active involvement in their care plan and decision-making are all meaningful gestures. Staying in touch with HillView Care staff ensures you are informed about your loved one’s health and well-being.

Your continued love and support can significantly impact their life, even from a distance, and placing them in care does not mean you are giving up on them.

The HillView Care team

At HillView Care, we are committed to providing excellent care and creating a supportive environment for our residents. Our dedicated staff play a vital role in ensuring the well-being and happiness of our residents. From providing emotional support and personalised care to promoting independence and organising enriching activities, our team’s impact is obvious.

Our staff’s compassion, expertise, and dedication help residents feel valued, respected, and at home. Their efforts not only enhance the quality of life for our residents but also provide peace of mind to families, knowing their loved ones are in capable and caring hands.

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