Best aged care homes on the Gold Coast - supportive care
  • June 05 2024
  • Wellness

Supporting the emotional well-being of residents at HillView Care

In residential aged care homes, the importance of psychological and emotional support should never be underestimated. It’s essential to support the well-being of residents for both them as an individual and for you as a family member who is also impacted by their loved one’s quality of life and overall happiness.

In holistic aged care, emotional support goes hand-in-hand with medical care and physical assistance. At HillView Care, we understand that nurturing mental health is integral to providing comprehensive care for our residents.

Psychological needs of residential aged care residents

The psychological needs of each resident will differ depending on their health needs and their personal circumstances. Understanding and addressing the needs of every individual resident goes a long way in improving their emotional well-being and overall quality of life. Personalised care plans can help residents feel valued, understood and support them in all aspects of their lives. 

Sometimes the physical limitations and ongoing medical conditions can lead to residents feeling a loss of control, causing stress and anxiety. It’s important to acknowledge and address these feelings, offering support and empowerment to residents in managing their conditions and maintaining their independence.

Emotional support for residents at HillView Care

At HillView Care, through compassionate care and tailored support, we aim to alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of autonomy and well-being among our residents. Our experienced Gold Coast aged care team regularly engages  in empathetic communication, providing compassionate care and reassurance to ensure residents feel uplifted and supported.

From meaningful conversations to comforting gestures, our dedicated team is committed to fostering a warm and nurturing environment where residents feel valued, understood, and empowered to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.

When communicating with residents, our team always ensures they use clear language so they are easily understood, are active listeners who respond with empathy and regularly engage with residents to understand how they are feeling and get a sense of their emotional state. 

Family collaboration to support residents’ emotional well-being

It’s vital to involve family members when supporting the emotional well-being of residents. Bringing a sense of familiarity, reassurance and comfort, families can make a big impact as they often have a greater insight into the needs of their loved ones and their personal history. 

By collaborating closely with resident’s families, the HillView Care team can provide personalised care, addressing their individual preferences and drawing on the insights from family members to ensure they receive the best care possible. 

Our experienced Gold Coast aged care team actively engages families of residents in various ways, including: 

  • Keeping in regular contact to inform family members of their loved one’s condition, treatment plans and updating them on their loved one’s well-being. 
  • We actively seek guidance and advice from family members on how to best meet the needs of your loved one. Inclusive decision-making is essential.
  • Our team can recommend additional services to help both you and your loved one navigate the complexities of ageing and ensure a holistic approach to care.

A commitment to enhancing emotional well-being at HillView Care

As a provider of holistic aged care services on the Gold Coast, HillView Care is committed to supporting the emotional well-being of our residents. We know how important it is to foster a positive environment for our residents so they can thrive in residential aged care living. 

It’s the priority of our team to ensure each resident feels valued, supported and understood, and to provide compassionate care that is personalised to individual needs. We’re huge advocates for collaborating with family members to draw on personal insights to ensure the best outcomes for our residents. 

Through regular communication, inclusive decision-making, and access to additional services, we aim to empower both residents and their families to navigate the ups and downs of ageing with confidence and resilience. At HillView Care, emotional support is not just a component of our care; it’s a cornerstone of our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all our residents.

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