HillView Care Community
  • September 20 2022
  • About HillView

Become a part of the HillView Care community

Social connections are vital throughout all stages of life, but in the elderly it becomes increasingly important. Older adults are at a greater risk of suffering from loneliness and social isolation due to their living arrangements, loss of family or friends or illness. 

If it’s time for your loved one to receive additional support and move into a residential aged care home, there’s also a risk of social isolation as they leave their family home behind to continue their life in a brand new environment. It’s important to support them through this and do your research to ensure they are transitioning into the most suitable aged care home.

At HillView Care we believe we have built a thriving community, made up of our residents and staff. As a team we are here to support and encourage social inclusion and ensure our residents have the opportunity to connect. 

More than just great care

These days residential aged care homes need to provide more than just great care, they also need to make resident’s social and emotional wellbeing a priority. 

As a premium aged care home, the team at HillView Care provide an exceptionally high level of care, but we also believe we’ve created a thriving community that promotes wellness and the social engagement of our residents. 

We encourage all our residents to remain as independent as possible, providing a range of opportunities for them to make friends, learn skills and connect with others, both in the care home and out in the community. 

There are many benefits to building a strong community within a residential aged care home, including: 

To support emotional wellness 

Feelings of loneliness, poor mental health and stress can be damaging. By creating an environment where residents can interact, engage and participate in a variety of activities we are supporting their emotional wellness and giving them an opportunity to connect, make friends and gain a sense of belonging. 

To build new friendships

We truly believe you can never have too many friends, so we love encouraging our residents to meet new people and stay socially active in our community. Our dedicated diversional therapists hold regular BBQs, cocktail hours and other fun events where residents can meet new friends and build meaningful relationships. 

To increase self confidence and self-identity

We know it’s not easy for everyone to make new friends and socialise, but we do believe it’s a great way for our residents to increase self-confidence and build their self-identity. 

Our diversional therapists arrange a huge variety of fun events and activities both in-house and in the community, catering for a range of different interests to ensure there is something for everyone. 

We are proud to offer a variety of events and activities celebrating indigenous and overseas cultures, helping residents connect and build a sense of belonging. 

Building social connections at HillView Care

Our diversional therapists are passionate about promoting social inclusion and encouraging our residents to build strong connections while they are living at HillView Care. Our residents love our range of events and activities and we often find they have better social lives than people half their age! 

HillView diversional therapists create valuable opportunities for residents to connect with each other, as well as members of their local community when they go out and about. Just some of the activities our therapists organise include: 

  • Cooking demonstrations. 
  • Happy hours. 
  • BBQs.
  • Exercise classes.
  • Dog therapy.
    Art and craft. 
  • Morning tea.
  • Concerts. 
  • Movie nights. 
  • Bus trips to local attractions. 
  • Karaoke.
  • Drumming.

While residents are encouraged to attend our events and activities, they can choose to be as social as they like. Our friendly team is always there to support them and build strong bonds with residents to make them feel right at home. 

See HillView Care for yourself

You can come along and see HillView Care Merrimac or Ashmore for yourself. Meet our friendly team and take a walk through our beautiful gardens, and discover our well appointed rooms. There’s no doubt you’ll see our residents getting involved in various activities across the grounds. 

For more information call and speak to one of our friendly staff on (07) 5559 3222 or request a callback.

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